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  • Writer's pictureMichael Laxer

Cubans celebrate the Declaration of the Socialist Character of the Cuban Revolution

The date, loaded with historical symbolism that defines the society Cubans build every day, highlights the Declaration of the Socialist Character of the Cuban Revolution, the Day of the Militiaman and the foundation of the Communist Party of Cuba.

By Daina Caballero Trujillo / Photos Dunia Alvarez (translated from the Spanish)

On April 16, on the same corner of 23rd and 12th streets where Commander in Chief Fidel spoke in front of a sea of people 63 years ago, when he proclaimed the socialist character of the revolution, Havanans gathered on behalf of Cubans to reaffirm the ideological firmness, courage, dignity and dedication of this people.

The date, loaded with historical symbolism that defines the society we build every day, highlights the Declaration of the Socialist Character of the Cuban Revolution, the Day of the Militiaman and the foundation of the Communist Party of Cuba.

This morning, with the presence of the First Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Cuba and President of the Republic, Miguel Díaz-Canel Bermúdez and the Secretary of Organization Roberto Morales Ojeda, the event in commemoration of this anniversary took place.

Also participating were the First Secretary of the PCC and the Governor in Havana, Livan Izquierdo Alonso and Yanet Hernández Pérez respectively, as well as other leaders of the Party, the Union of Young Communists and the mass organizations. , a representation of the combatants and militiamen who participated in the Girón feat was present.

"We meet again today as we did on April 16, 1961, here at 23rd and 12th to make it clear that our arms are still up, our rifles are still held and our flags are still flying, that the socialist Homeland has its greatest strength in its people," said Livan Izquierdo when pronouncing the central words of the event.

The First Secretary of the PCC in Havana recalled that "on April 16, the people of Havana did not sleep, they woke up on the historic university hill accompanying their fallen comrades, victims of the cowardly attacks on San Antonio de los Baños, Ciudad Libertad and Santiago de Cuba the day before."

"On April 17, the day after the events of 23 and 12, there was the invasion of organized mercenary forces trained, instructed and directed by the government of the United States. The Invaders intended to take a point in the western province of Matanza known as the Bay of Pigs to then establish a parallel government that the White House would recognize and then advance on the Cuban capital; but less than 72 hours were enough for the Cuban people to inflict a resounding defeat on the empire," Izquierdo Alonso added.

Likewise, the party leader expressed the conviction of Cubans to continue defending the example of those who have brought us to this moment.

"We are children of a people of traditions of struggle, of political firmness, makers of values based on personal example, on the modesty and simplicity of their heroes and heroines, with an incalculable capacity to overcome obstacles with our own efforts. We do so by appealing to Varela, Martí, Mella, Baliño and Fidel, who bequeathed us revolutionary ethics and anti-imperialism as unwavering principles for those of us who have opted for a free, sovereign, independent, socialist, democratic, prosperous and sustainable country," he said.

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