The Young Woman Fitter from Mallakastra, People's Socialist Republic of Albania, 1976 -- Daily LIFT #1535
"A picture of the young woman fitter, Kastriota Hama, who works at the construction site of the modern oil refinery at Ballsh in the Fier district. She is twenty years old. Two years ago she joined the ranks of builders together with a hundred young women from her mountain district of Mallakastra.
She hails from the village of Lapalec, the daughter of a former poor peasant who fought for the liberation of the country and the triumph of the people’s revolution in the ranks of the XIVth shock brigade.
Every day sees Kastriota high up on the installations of the new plant. She works conscientiously and passionately at her job in order to complete the plant as soon as possible. This is the aim close to her heart. In the future she wants to remain at the plant as a technologist of oil production. This woman’s wish is being fulfilled, as are those of her companions. They are studying at the part-time secondary technical school."