Leaflet: Elect Mary Kardash 1971 - The New City Needs New Policies to Serve You!
An election leaflet from the 1971 School Trustee campaign of legendary Winnipeg Communist activist and politician Mary Kardash.
Kardsah was running with another legend of Winnipeg municipal and Communist politics, City Councillor Joe Zuken on the Labor Election Committee ticket. Kardash was elected to and served on the school board several times between 1960 and 1986.
We also have a Joe Zuken leaflet from the same campaign that we will feature tomorrow.

(This was first posted on The Left Chapter blog, June 5, 2017)
I knew Mary well, and she was a remarkable woman who had the strength and courage to stand by her convictions as a Communist through thick and thin. she achieved success in Winnipeg's North End and maintained a progressive voice for the poor and working class of that part of her city, especially challenging through the repression of the genuine left by Liberals, Tories, and often CCF\NDPers in the 1930's and especially the massive anti-Communist lie-filled propaganda campaigns and hysteria of the Cold War era. She and her equally remarkable husband Bill Kardash represented a legacy of popular support for Communists and was a voice that they couldn't silence. Bill was a veteran of the Mackenzie-Papineau Battalion in …