Statements from the World Peace Council and a joint statement of 31 Communist and Workers' parties

As fighting continues in Sudan 31 Communist and Workers' parties have signed a joint statement initiated by the Sudanese Communist Party strongly condemning "the continuing bloody war between the military rulers in Sudan, which has resulted in hundreds of innocent civilians killed and thousands wounded."
The World Peace Council has also issued a statement.
We republish both here in full.
We, the undersigned Communist and Workers' parties, strongly condemn the continuing bloody war between the military rulers in Sudan, which has resulted in hundreds of innocent civilians killed and thousands wounded.
This catastrophic war is a power struggle among the ruling generals aimed at preserving their illegitimate gains and crushing the Sudanese people’s aspirations for freedom, peace, social justice and radical change. It is serving the interests of their external backers, including imperialist powers and Arab reactionary regimes, and their schemes to plunder the country’s natural wealth and resources. The continuation and escalation of war is gravely threatening the country’s unity.
We fully support the demand by the Sudanese democratic forces, in the forefront of which is the fraternal Sudanese Communist Party, for an immediate ceasefire, the exit of armies and militias from cities, and providing urgent humanitarian assistance under UN supervision to the civilian population.
We also support their calls to bring to justice those responsible for igniting this war and the perpetrators of crimes and human rights violations against the Sudanese people.
We call upon all peace-loving forces in the world to raise their voices and intensify solidarity with the Sudanese people and democratic forces against this bloody war and support their heroic struggle to achieve people’s power by establishing fully democratic civil rule.
The World Peace Council is deeply concerned with the ongoing armed conflict and clashes in Sudan for more than one week under which hundreds of innocent civilians lost their lives and thousands are injured. The fierce power struggle between factions of the ruling generals, between heavily armed militias, cannot hide the interests of the foreign forces backing the clashes, including imperialist powers and reactionary Arab regimes.
This armed conflict has nothing to do with the aspirations of the Sudanese people who suffered for decades long under dictatorial regimes and now under the rivalry of competing factions of the military.
The WPC demands the immediate ceasefire, the exit of armies and militias from cities, and providing urgent humanitarian assistance under UN supervision to the civilian population. The further escalation will create an explosive situation for Sudan and the whole region.
The WPC expresses its solidarity with the people of Sudan, a poor people in an extremely rich in natural resources country, and salutes the peace loving forces, particularly the Sudanese Peace and Solidarity Council, a member of the WPC Secretariat. The WPC supports the struggle of the Sudanese people for freedom, peace, social justice and deep changes so that the people will become the real masters of their fortunes.
We also support their calls to bring to justice those responsible for igniting this war and the perpetrators of crimes and human rights violations against the Sudanese people.
We call upon all peace-loving forces in the world to raise their voices and intensify solidarity with the Sudanese people and the anti-imperialist peace loving forces against this bloody war, and support their heroic struggle to achieve people’s power by establishing fully democratic civil rule.