Vintage Cookbook TBT
Vintage Cookbook: The Harrowsmith Cookbook Volume Two
Publication Details: Camden House Publishing, 1983
The Harrowsmith Cookbook, either Volume One or Two (there is also a third volume, though I have never seen it), is an excellent compilation and submission style collection of recipes sent in by readers of the Canadian country living magazine whose heyday was in the 70s and 80s.
It is well worth seeking out as it is largely no nonsense with over 300 pages filled with recipes of all types.
Some of these are dated, though not necessarily "bad", with lots of quiches, casseroles and combinations like almonds and seafood. Many are classics. And the cookbook also had takes on dishes that were not that common to see in 80s Canadian cookbooks, like the recipe for Beef Curry Roti.
There were some photographs and here we have paired a few of them with their recipes as well as with other recipes on the same page.
Vegetable and Cheese Pie
Indonesian Rice Salad
Dilled Tomato Soup
Chicken Pinwheels
Pavlova and Yogurt Chantilly
Baked Trout with Almond Cream
Beef Curry Roti
Sesame Yogurt Chicken