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Michael Laxer
Feb 62 min read
Communists launch election campaign in Ontario
Launching as the "People's Alternative for Ontario" under the slogan "Vote to Put People and Planet Before Profit", the Communist Party...

Michael Laxer
Jun 23, 20222 min read
Could the federal NDP and its apologists please stop with the bullshit
At what point will the federal NDP and its apologists admit what everyone else can see: the NDP has entered into a de facto coalition...

Michael Laxer
May 26, 20226 min read
Ford cruising to reelection in Ontario due to squandered opportunities, uninspiring opposition
Doug Ford and Andrea Horwath at the Leader's Debate, May 10, 2022 With a week to go Ontario is in the homestretch of an election that has...

Michael Laxer
Mar 24, 20227 min read
Dull and duller: The NDP's totally predictable capitulation to the Liberals
It has been interesting to watch the reaction to the coalitionesque agreement reached between the Liberals and the NDP on March 22 over...
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Michael Laxer
Feb 22, 20224 min read
Reflections on the convoy, the Left and the rise of the far right in Canada
The widespread joy and approval by liberals, social democrats and "progressives" of the use of the Emergency Act by the Trudeau...

Michael Laxer
Oct 31, 202111 min read
Red Review #29 -- International Left and Labour News
The twenty-ninth edition of our weekly review of international left and labour news with stories from Canada, the United States, Sudan,...

Michael Laxer
Sep 7, 20216 min read
O'Toole flipflopping to a (small) lead: Election roundup #2
The Left Chapter's second election roundup. As the first three weeks of the grand farce that is the 2021 federal election in Canada have...
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Michael Laxer
Aug 30, 20215 min read
Trudeau stumbles out of the gate: Election roundup #1
The Left Chapter's first election roundup. Image via twitter. As the first two weeks of the grand farce that is the 2021 federal election...
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