Speeches as an M.P. in the House of Commons, 1930-33 (Part I)

Vintage Leftist Leaflet Project
Leaflet: A Plea for Social Justice - Extracts from the Speeches of J. S. Woodsworth, M.P. , in the House of Commons, 1930-33 (Part I)
This booklet published in 1933 (selected by Grace MacInnis) has nearly 80 pages of extracts from the speeches of Canadian Socialist icon J. S. Woodsworth. Woodsworth, a critical figure in the history of the Canadian left, was the first leader of the CCF, the precursor to the NDP.
As the booklet is quite lengthy we will be breaking up these posts into 2 or 3 parts.
The first part today shows the sections "Economic Conditions and Resulting Unemployment", "The Co-Operative Commonwealth" and "Social Legislation".
The booklet is a fascinating and remarkable piece of and look at Canadian leftist and social history.

This post originally appeared on The Left Chapter blog, June 10, 2017