Today we will be looking at a terrific BBQ side -- grilled stuffed Yellow Hot Peppers. While larger size jalapeños can also be used, yellow hot peppers are widely available and are a perfect size for this. Those who do not want it spicy, or as a substitute for the kids, can use Cubanelle Peppers which are very mild.

Cut off the top of the pepper. Set the tops aside. With a knife you want to gently remove most or all of the seeds from inside the pepper. The seeds are very hot, and while a few left inside will add kick, in any quantity they will make the dish basically impossible to eat, even for spicy food fanatics such as myself.
Until you are used to the "seeding" I strongly recommend wearing kitchen gloves while doing this. Touching the seeds with bare skin is very unpleasant and it leaves oils that, if you then touch your eyes or other body parts, will cause a truly awful burning sensation that one need only experience once to not make the same mistake again.
After having seeded the peppers, take a slice of prosciutto and fit it to the inside of the pepper. Then take a cream cheese of your choosing, (for grocery store bought I like Western Dairy) and fill the pepper with it.
Or put some cream cheese on a slice of prosciutto and wrap if you prefer and then add more cream cheese.

Put the top back on. If it will not stay on you can secure it with a toothpick.
Put the peppers on the grill. I do them a few minutes a side around the edge of the grill -- so they are not directly over the charcoal --until the cream cheese begins to melt. Then I put them right over the red hot coals to char the peppers, turning constantly, for another minute or two a side or so. You want the pepper to char and its texture to change, but you do not want it to burn.

This nice summer treat can be served with just about any main or as an appetizer. As a vegetarian option, simply do not use the prosciutto. In this case I recommend using a cream cheese with chives, or adding some chives or sliced green onion yourself.
(This recipe first appeared on the original blog)