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  • Writer's pictureMichael Laxer

Salute to the 65th Anniversary of the Cuban Revolution! - Statements from Turkey & Ireland

Image via the Communist Party of Cuba

January 1, 2024 marked the 65th anniversary of the Cuban Revolution. The heroic Cuban people and their socialist revolution have survived the relentless attacks of US and western imperialism and a cruel and illegal unilateral US economic blockade.

The Communist Party of Turkey (TKP) and the Workers Party of Ireland issued stirring statements in solidarity with Cuba.

On behalf of our party and the working class of Turkey, we celebrate the 65th anniversary of the glorious Cuban Revolution with our most sincere revolutionary greetings.

The Cuban Revolution is a great achievement for humanity; this achievement is manifested in the progress of the Cuban people in education, health, culture, science and political participation. The Cuban Revolution is the pride and hope of humanity.

But the Cuban Revolution is also a struggle. The revolution has reached its 65th anniversary by refusing to succumb to the inhumane economic, commercial and financial blockade imposed by the United States since the beginning of the revolution, the brutal hardening of this genocidal blockade policy with the pandemic, the terrorist attacks that have so far claimed the lives of thousands of Cubans, and the campaigns of lies and smears that accompany all these attacks.

Last year's molotov cocktail attack on the Cuban embassy in Washington, D.C., whose perpetrators have still not been punished, is just the latest example of imperialism's unabashed hostility.

To understand the Cuban Revolution in its 65th year, it is important to look not only at the achievements of the Cuban Revolution, but also at the resistance and determination with which these gains were achieved. In order to act with solidarity with the honorable Cuban people who continue to carry the flag of the revolution, it is imperative to choose one's side in this struggle without hesitation.

The economic, commercial and financial blockade imposed by the US on the Cuban people must end immediately.

The "list of states sponsoring terrorism" that the US has included Cuba on to justify this horrible crime of genocide must be immediately dismantled.

The terrorist attacks targeting the Cuban people, the Cuban diplomats and the revolutionary leadership of Cuba must end, never to be repeated again.

All kinds of lies and smear campaigns that attribute the extraordinary difficulties experienced by the Cuban people as a result of the inhumane economic sanctions imposed on Cuba to the failure of socialism and that aim to destroy the political order that the Cuban people stand behind with its independent, sovereign, participatory democracy must be condemned.

This is our unwavering promise as the Communist Party of Turkey.

On the new anniversary of the revolution, we greet the fraternal Cuban people again with our sincerest feelings, and as the Communist Party of Turkey, we resolutely declare that we will be in solidarity with the Cuban people in the new year and that we will continue our solidarity and cooperation with their revolutionary leader, the Communist Party of Cuba.

Long Live the Cuban Revolution!

Long Live Socialism!

Long Live International Solidarity!

Communist Party of Turkey

Central Committee

The Workers Party of Ireland sends its fraternal and warmest comradely greetings to the Communist Party of Cuba and the Cuban People. Our Party stands in solidarity with Socialist Cuba on its celebration of the 65th anniversary of the Revolution. We pay tribute to the revolutionaries who stormed the Moncada Barracks on 26th July 1953, fought valiantly in the Sierra Maestra, routed the garrison in Santa Clara in a decisive victory on 27th December 1958 and ousted the US backed dictator, Fulgencio Batista, on 1st January 1959.

The Cuban Revolution has survived despite six decades of US sponsored terrorism, military invasion and economic blockades because of the socialist character of the Revolution and the solidarity between the Cuban people. Cuba with its adherence to its socialist principles and proletarian internationalism has been at the forefront of developing sustainable socialist economic planning to improve the lives of the Cuban people while supporting liberation movements abroad and providing much needed medical assistance, which was demonstrated at an exemplary level during the recent Covid-19 Pandemic.

The Workers Party of Ireland stands in solidarity with the Cuban people and Cuban Communist Party in defence of the Cuban Revolution and its achievements and for an immediate end to all sanctions and the criminal blockade. On behalf of the Central Executive Committee of the Workers Party of Ireland we salute you and wish you continued success in your efforts to build Socialism in Cuba.

Ted Tynan, President

Gerry Grainger, International Secretary

1 comment

1 Comment

Jan 06

In my opinion it’s too early for the people , societes who live in theUnited state to understand the philosophy of socialism system , how long and how to educate the people to understand the real meaning of socialism is not that easy , its going to take long time , the bad part is people d understand because they don’t read , living in capitalism society is very difficult , and you always have work hard to survive , majority of the population are financially slave . Taxation , interest rates , and high prices of residential break the back bone of the people , medication system is outrageous and have to suffer with physical conditions and it’s ge…

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