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Urgent appeal to stop the spiral of war and defend global peace

Writer's picture: Michael LaxerMichael Laxer

Public domain image

The internationalist Patrice Lumumba Association for International Solidarity has launched an urgent appeal to the international community to stop the dangerous warmongering escalations by the US, Israel, NATO and the EU that are spiraling out of control and could lead to global and nuclear war.

Out of indignation and concern for the dramatic moment that humanity is facing, the Patrice Lumumba Association wants to raise its voice and address all social, trade union and political forces to denounce what we are seeing:

In the Middle East, Israel's aggression, the indefinite continuation of the genocide against the Palestinian people, bombing Lebanon as a preliminary step to its invasion, and attacking targets inside Iran, provoked a predictable response from those who are being attacked and invaded, which threatens to escalate into a regional conflict.

In Ukraine, military actions on various fronts are increasing and the involvement of NATO, the United States and the European Union in the war is growing, opening the door to the use of weapons supplied by European Union and United States governments inside Russia, which will provoke a response from the Russian Federation that could have unpredictable consequences.

In Latin America and the Caribbean, coercion, economic aggression and blockade measures against Cuba and other countries in the Region are increasing, with the full involvement of the United States and the European Union in a number of attempts to overthrow the governments of this Region that do not submit to the warmongering strategy of the North Atlantic axis (United States, European Union, NATO).

Central to this, a cynical and ignominious list of countries allegedly sponsoring terrorism, drawn up unilaterally by the United States, is used to self-justify its policy of interference, its violations of international law and its aggression against states that do not submit to its interests.

Around the world, the use of Cold War strategies by the North Atlantic axis is intensifying, with the aim of dividing the International Community into confrontational, disconnected Blocs of States. Towards this goal "trade wars" and various coercive measures are applied against the BRICS+ countries.

In this context, our Association welcomes the initiatives to seek peace in Ukraine that have been proposed from Mexico, Brazil, China, the Vatican and various African countries, as well as congratulating South Africa's initiative to bring to the International Court of Justice those responsible for the genocide that the state of Israel is committing against the Palestinian people.

At the same time, we regret that the United Nations is not playing any role in the search for a negotiated diplomatic solution to armed conflicts, and we denounce the way it is structured and above all with the veto used by the United States to stop any decision contrary to its interests and to prevent any decision that could condemn and try to stop Israel's genocidal aggressiveness. This makes it impossible for the UN to fulfil the objective for which it was created, which was none other than to avoid the repetition of the horror and barbarity of the Second World War.

With both indignation and concern we must confront the fact that the world is facing one of its most critical moments since the end of the Second World War, and we point out that it can no longer be said that peace is under threat, but that we must instead say that we are living in a situation of "world war by proxy" with armed conflicts spread throughout Ukraine, Kurdistan, Syria, Yemen, Somalia, Palestine, Western Sahara, etc. that involve in states and military alliances with a nuclear capacity. If the spiral of war is not stopped, the possibility of these conflicts becoming global and nuclear is very real.

Therefore, the peoples of the entire planet must be aware that the war in Ukraine, Israel's genocidal offensive and the aggressiveness of the United States in Latin America and the Caribbean are right now endangering the future of humanity and of how necessary it is to defend peace against those who are determined to spread and fan the flames of war.

For this reason, the Patrice Lumumba Association for International Solidarity makes a double appeal:

  • To all collectives, social forces, and trade unions, to break the media blockades that are hiding the seriousness of the situation from our peoples and to promote initiatives and actions to increase pressure on governments demanding the need for a political agenda that includes concrete measures to stop the spiral of war and genocide, opening the way to negotiations for a solution to these conflicts.

  • To the governments that have placed themselves on the "right side of history" by defending peace initiatives, to insist on them and put pressure on international organizations to include in the international political agenda the need to reverse this serious crisis that is leading to devastation and death in large areas of the planet, endangering the future of all humanity.

We humbly put ourselves at the service of international initiatives that have the legitimacy and global recognition to promote collective action.




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