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Michael Laxer
Jan 1, 20248 min read
2023: The year in review on The Left Chapter
Palestinian flags fly at a Solidarity with Gaza march in Toronto, Canada on October 21 -- from our post: "End the Siege of Gaza Now!":...

Michael Laxer
Apr 5, 20237 min read
Reinforcing reaction: Quislings Starmer and Singh the progressive label on the capitalist boot
In a telling social democratic turn of events, after rather shamefully leading Finland away from its post-WWII neutrality -- which flowed...

Michael Laxer
Sep 28, 20222 min read
Fun and games in NDP land as Sask party ghosts Singh & Singh still pretends no coalition with Libs
Just when you think the ongoing farce that is the NDP in Canada could not possibly get anymore laughable, news comes that the...

Michael Laxer
Jun 23, 20222 min read
Could the federal NDP and its apologists please stop with the bullshit
At what point will the federal NDP and its apologists admit what everyone else can see: the NDP has entered into a de facto coalition...

Michael Laxer
Mar 24, 20227 min read
Dull and duller: The NDP's totally predictable capitulation to the Liberals
It has been interesting to watch the reaction to the coalitionesque agreement reached between the Liberals and the NDP on March 22 over...
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Michael Laxer
Jan 1, 20226 min read
2021: The year in review on The Left Chapter
2021 is done and what a year it was. Along the way we saw momentous victories for the left in Kerala, Chile, Peru, Honduras and...

Michael Laxer
Dec 12, 20217 min read
Starbucks US union first: Red Review #35 -- International Left and Labour News
The thirty-fifth edition of our weekly review of international left and labour news with stories from the US, Australia, the UK, Nepal,...

Michael Laxer
Nov 25, 20212 min read
The BC NDP's disgraceful week
It is hard to get one's mind around the last week in the life of John Horgan's right-wing NDP government. Needless-to-say a variety of...

Michael Laxer
Nov 20, 20211 min read
Federal NDP Wet’suwet’en statement is a masterclass in BS
The statement does not mention the BC NDP provincial government of John Horgan once, anywhere. Seriously. The NDP statement on the...

Michael Laxer
Nov 19, 20213 min read
RCMP attack on Wet’suwet’en during a "climate disaster" is a new BC NDP government low
In a breathtakingly cynical, disgraceful move, the RCMP in British Columbia have chosen the backdrop of a state of emergency due to...

Michael Laxer
Sep 21, 20214 min read
It’s déjà vu all over again
After an election that many called "unnecessary" it ends up having been much ado about nothing with the parties treading water and voters...
Michael Laxer
Sep 15, 20217 min read
Liberal rebound: Election roundup #3
The Left Chapter's third and final election roundup. As the grand farce that is the 2021 federal election in Canada enters the...

Michael Laxer
Sep 10, 20218 min read
No Majority For You! And Other Kvetching On The 2021 Canadian Election Farce
As the farce that is Canada's election heads into the homestretch, Gabriel Haythornthwaite takes an incisive, caustic look at the...
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Michael Laxer
Sep 7, 20216 min read
O'Toole flipflopping to a (small) lead: Election roundup #2
The Left Chapter's second election roundup. As the first three weeks of the grand farce that is the 2021 federal election in Canada have...
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Michael Laxer
Aug 30, 20215 min read
Trudeau stumbles out of the gate: Election roundup #1
The Left Chapter's first election roundup. Image via twitter. As the first two weeks of the grand farce that is the 2021 federal election...

Michael Laxer
Aug 18, 20212 min read
NDP tries to spin its way out of CEWS support
Image via twitter Have you heard the news? Suddenly the NDP is concerned about the unbelievable, scandalous fiasco that is the Canada...

Michael Laxer
Jun 4, 20213 min read
Neither Green nor Orange
Waffling between these two shades of faux progressive "left" is a waste of time. It is hard sometimes to get one's mind around the...

Michael Laxer
Mar 30, 20212 min read
The federal NDP's "free tuition" pledge is much ado about literally nothing
Singh announces student "debt relief" plan, March 20, 2021 - video screenshot I will give Jagmeet Singh credit for one thing: He has...

Michael Laxer
Mar 12, 20212 min read
Niki Ashton turns the tables on Twitter
NDP MP Niki Ashton takes aim at the Broadbent Institute and her critics in a truly splendid Twitter "touché" moment. Image via You Tube...
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Michael Laxer
Mar 6, 20213 min read
Niki Ashton events moving forward despite brouhaha
A Palestinian solidarity event March 7 and an event featuring Jeremy Corbyn March 20 -- both involving Niki Ashton -- are moving ahead in...
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