The Communist Party of Greece (KKE) is denouncing recent moves by the Greek government that increase the country's involvement militarily in the Middle East and in the NATO-Russia war in Ukraine.
Only in the last month, the New Democracy government has:
Announced that our country, which until now has been responsible for coordinating the war operation “Aspides” in the Red Sea from the headquarters in Larissa, will also take over the "on-board" command. This development, which extends and makes permanent the Greek military presence in the Middle East, is presented as “recognition” of the role played by our country and the Armed Forces in the “security” of the region, supporting the dirty war and the crimes of Israel.
Carried out new shipments of war material to Ukraine via a third country, thereby also implementing the commitments it has made within NATO to support the Zelenskiy government and involve our country more deeply in the NATO-Russia war. What is more, this is functional equipment that the Greek Armed Forces and the country's defence will be missing.
Signed a “security agreement” with the Zelenskiy government, which includes “guarantees” both to support Ukraine in military operations, by providing military equipment and training F-16 pilots, and to participate in the reconstruction of the country, treating the disaster as an “opportunity” for the Greek monopolies, which participate in the division of the imperialist spoils.
Hosted or participated in military exercises - war rehearsals, as part of the intensifying preparations for war, including scenarios of nuclear strikes. The largest NATO air exercise in recent years took place in Andravida, with the prominent participation of the Air Force, and a few days later, Greek aircraft took part in another exercise in Germany, escorting a strategic bomber carrying nuclear weapons.
Received a request from the governments of the Baltic states to take over the surveillance of their airspace within the framework of NATO, while our country is already carrying out such missions on behalf of its NATO “allies” in the Balkans. The request has not been granted for the time being, with the government citing “workload” due to its participation in other NATO missions.
With undiminished intensity continues to turn the country’s ports and other infrastructure into NATO bases and hubs for the transfer of military material to the war fronts. From the north (Alexandroupoli) to the south (Souda), there is no military or strategically important civilian infrastructure that is not integrated in the plans of the USA-NATO and their war operations in the region.
All these are pieces in the puzzle of Greek participation in the two wars raging in the region, with a great risk of generalization. But none of this has been a subject of contention between the government and the other parties, which engage in disputes over issues such as the “Novartis” witnesses.
The Euro-Atlantic unanimity is in full swing in the political system and is crystallized in practice by the New Democracy government, the social democratic parties SYRIZA and PASOK and the smaller extreme right-wing parties, which support decisions that are destructive for the people and lead to even greater involvement in the war by actively supporting the decisions of the bourgeoisie.
These parties do not even touch upon the issue of Greece's involvement in the imperialist war because it lies at the core of their policy and determines to a large extent their stance on linked issues such as Greek-Turkish relations and Cyprus. They try to conceal the fact that they act in unison by constructing new bipolar schemes and promoting bankrupt illusions among the people in the name of “stability”.
The KKE highlights the dangerous developments and stresses that they do not leave room for delay or complacency. The KKE organizes the struggle of the people against the imperialist wars, emphasizing that only the organized people can play a leading role in the developments, strengthening the struggle everywhere against the Greek involvement, fighting for the closure of foreign bases and the return of all Greek military personnel from NATO missions abroad, for the disengagement of the country from imperialist plans and unions, such as NATO and the EU, with the people masters in our land.