Greek workers marching June 16 -- photo via Twitter
Tens-of-thousands of workers went on a one-day general strike and participated in marches across Greece Wednesday June 16 in opposition to the what the Communist Party of Greece (KKE) has called the government's new "anti-labour" law. This is another in a series strikes and protests that have been going on for weeks.
The law was pushed through the Greek parliament later in the evening with only government MPs of the right wing New Democracy party supporting it.
According to the KKE the bill strongly favours the interests of capital and exacerbates the exploitation of workers through it various provisions which include allowing for a 10-hour workday.
Greek unions also say the law undermines collective bargaining and the right to strike itself.
“The anti-labour bill that you are preparing to vote for today is, according to the Minister of Labour, a bill of the contemporary era! If so, then why do they take the working conditions back a century, turning workers into slaves in the 21st century? Why do they bring about an increase instead of a decrease in working time, work from dusk till dawn, persecutions of trade union, and strike-breaking? In the contemporary era, of the huge development of technology and science, what is contemporary is to reduce working time, to work 7 hours–5 days–35 hours a week. What is contemporary is to secure a job for everyone, with satisfactory terms of pay and rights; and not to return to the working conditions of the Middle Ages. That is why your monstrous law will remain on paper, like so many other unjust laws before that.” - Dimitris Koutsoumpas, General Secretary of the KKE
KKE press release: CP of Greece, This anti-labour law must remain on paper!