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United for the Revolution: 59th anniversary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Cuba

Writer's picture: Michael LaxerMichael Laxer

On October 3, 1965, the first Central Committee of the Communist Party of Cuba was established in an historic event that marked the culmination of a process of unification that began in 1961 with the creation of the Integrated Revolutionary Organizations.

Fidel Castro addresses the founding convention of the Communist Party of Cuba, October 3, 1965

By Xenia Balón de la Cuesta, translated from the Spanish Photos: Bohemia and Granma Archives

On October 3, 1965, the Charles Chaplin Theater (today named the Karl Marx) witnessed an historic moment: the presentation of the first Central Committee of the Communist Party of Cuba.

It was the culmination of a process of unification that began in 1961 with the formation of the Integrated Revolutionary Organizations (ORI), uniting the 26th of July Movement, the Popular Socialist Party and the Revolutionary Directorate of 13 March Movement.

After a few months, an analysis was made of the achievements of integration and the errors of sectarianism on the part of members of the leadership of the ORI. On March 26, 1962, a new stage began in the construction of a party, which from that date on was called the United Party of the Cuban Socialist Revolution.

Unquestionably, this entire process was forging the basis, principles and methods that would be applied until the first Central Committee of the Communist Party of Cuba was constituted, the current name that was adopted on that memorable day.

This event marked an important moment in the history of Cuba, characterized by unity, social justice and the construction of a socialist future. It also provided a solid basis for Fidel's concept of ideological and organizational unity and the role of the political vanguard in socialist society. Similarly, it consolidated the organic structure of the Party, with organs, agencies and grassroots organizations throughout the nation and in the armed forces.

The historic Commander in Chief Fidel Castro, in his speech, read the moving farewell letter of Che Guevara, who decided to continue his struggle for liberation abroad, and he also announced the creation of the newspaper "Granma", the official organ of the Communist Party of Cuba, the heir to "Hoy" and "Revolución" and which is an essential space both for Cubans and for those interested in reality of Cuba.

Fidel reads Che's letter

Years have passed and the Communist Party continues to defend its founding precepts, the fruit of the traditions of the revolutionary struggles begun against Spanish colonialism and the imperialist neocolonialism of the United States. Likewise, it continues to be a faithful heir of the Cuban Revolutionary Party (PRC) founded by José Martí in the struggle for national independence as well as of the first Communist Party of Julio Antonio Mella and Carlos Baliño.

With the mission of having its "ear to the ground" and being closer to the people, it also is involved in the daily life of today's Cuba and adapts itself to attend to and solve the problems and realities that concern and face Cubans.

Commander in Chief Fidel Castro participates in the first meeting of the Central Committee of the Communist Party

As the First Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Cuba and President of the Republic, Miguel Díaz-Canel Bermúdez, said at the closing of the Eighth Congress, "the work of the Party in the current circumstances has been and will continue to be fundamental. It is not possible to imagine this moment without the work of the political vanguard, but our organization is in urgent need of changes in its style of work, more in line with this era and its challenges."

At the same time, he pledged that the party organization will continue to defend our core principles: independence, sovereignty, socialist democracy, peace, economic efficiency, security and social justice: Socialism! "To them we add the struggle for a prosperity that encompasses everything from food to recreation, that includes scientific development, spiritual wealth, and well-being, and that enables the creation of both the functional and the beautiful," said the Cuban president.

Fidel talks with members of the first Central Committee of the Communist Party of Cuba

Today it is also necessary for the party to attend to issues related to the internal life of the organization, the preparation and good performance of its cadres, the real and effective role of the militancy and the organizations of its base, as well as the growth of its ranks, together with the Union of Young Communists, as a place for young people with strong values.

Only by working on all these factors will it be possible to guarantee the strengthening of the Party and its continuity as a leading organization and guarantor of the unity of the people, which fulfills the legacy of its fighting spirit, the courage and lineage of its leaders and the unbreakable conviction to defend socialism.

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